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Proposed subdivision on Meadowlily Road in London requires zoning and official plan amendments

Image rendering of the draft plan of subdivision for 168 Meadowlily Road, London. Image Source: City of London Website

Just the Facts: 

●A subdivsion is proposed at 168 Meadowlily Road across 8.3 hectares of land in London.

●The developer for the site, Forever Homes Meadowlily Limited, is requesting an Official Plan and zoning amendment.

●The amendments are requesting increased densities and heights for the site including apartment buildings, townhouses, open space blocks, and single and semi-detached dwellings.

LONDON — Forever Homes Meadowlily Limited has submitted a comprehensive development proposal for the site at 168 Meadowlily Road.

The proposed development seeks to introduce a mix of residential, recreational, and conservation uses across multiple blocks, requiring amendments to the Official Plan and zoning by-laws. 

The development plan encompasses two low-density blocks designated for cluster townhouses, one medium-density block for mid-rise apartments, one high-density block for high-rise apartments, two open space blocks, one Environmental Significant Area (ESA) with a buffer block, and seven road widening and reserve blocks, all serviced by one new local street. 

Forever Homes Meadowlily Limited has requested amendments to the London Plan to permit apartment buildings exceeding the current height restrictions. 

Specifically, the amendment would allow for: 

● Mid-rise apartment buildings with a maximum height of six storeys. 

● High-rise apartment buildings with a maximum height of twelve storeys. 

The current maximum height for the subject lands is six storeys, necessitating this amendment for Blocks 3 and 4 in the proposed subdivision. 

The proposed zoning changes are as follows: 

● Block 1 and Block 2; Residential R5 (R5-7(_)) Special Provision Zone:

 ● Cluster townhouse dwellings with reduced setbacks: 

● Front yard setback: Minimum 4.5 metres (arterial) whereas 8.0 metres is required. 

● Rear yard setback: Minimum 3.5 metres (to Street ‘A’) whereas 5.0 metres is required. 

● Interior yard setback: Minimum 1.5 metres whereas 5.0 metres is required. 

● Density: Maximum of 120 units per hectare, whereas 60 units per hectare is currently permitted. 

● Block 3; Residential R5 (R5-7(_)) and Residential R6 (R6-5(_)) Special Provision Zone: 

● Cluster townhouses and single-detached, semi-detached, duplex dwellings with similarly reduced setbacks and increased density as Blocks 1 and 2. 

● Block 4; Residential R10 (R10-4(_)) Special Provision Zone: 

● High-density apartment buildings with significant reductions in setbacks and increased height: 

● Front yard setback: Minimum 1.5 metres (arterial) versus the required 12 metres. 

● Exterior side yard setback: Minimum 3.5 metres versus the required 10 metres. 

● Rear yard setback: Minimum 2.0 metres versus the required 16.4 metres. 

● Interior side yard setback: Minimum 7.5 metres versus the required 16.4 metres. 

● Height: Maximum 41.0 metres (12 storeys), whereas the current by-law does not prescribe specific height requirements. 

● Blocks 5 and 6 – Open Space (OS5) and (OS1): 

● Conservation lands, passive recreation uses, hiking trails, multi-use pathways, and managed woodlots. 

The proposed development spans 8.3 hectares and includes a diverse range of housing units, from low-density cluster townhouses to high-rise apartment buildings. 

Enhanced landscaping and parking provisions are also included, featuring exemptions to allow parking in front yards and exterior side yards. 

Additionally, the development includes two open space blocks dedicated to recreational and conservation purposes, supporting community wellness and environmental sustainability. 

Forever Homes Meadowlily Limited’s proposal represents a significant development opportunity for London, aiming to provide a variety of housing options and recreational spaces. 

The requested amendments to The London Plan and zoning by-laws are crucial for accommodating the proposed density and building heights. 

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