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Proposed residential development in London requires zoning and official plan amendments

Image rendering of the proposed development site from aerial view at 1938 & 1964 Commissioners Road East and a portion of 1645 Hamilton Road, London. Image Source: City of London Website

LONDON — Sifton Properties Limited has unveiled plans for a transformative residential development spanning 1938 & 1964 Commissioners Road East and a portion of 1645 Hamilton Road. 

The proposal includes a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning amendments aimed at facilitating the creation of a vibrant community featuring diverse housing options and ample green space. 

The proposed development encompasses 37 single detached lots, five single detached blocks, two multi-family blocks, one future development block, eight park blocks, one open space block, and six open space buffer blocks, served by two local streets. 

The site, previously occupied by residential dwellings and agricultural structures, currently stands vacant, comprising isolated pockets of trees and remnant farm fields. 

The requested Draft Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments seek to rezone the property from Urban Reserve (UR4) and Open Space (OS4) Zones to various residential zones with special provisions tailored to the proposed development. 

These provisions include specifications for minimum lot area, lot frontage, setbacks, maximum lot coverage, and building height, ensuring compatibility with surrounding areas. 

The requested zone changes, along with the special provisions in the document, include: 

● Residential R1 Special Provision (R1-3(16)): This zoning allows for single detached dwellings on lots with a minimum area of 300 square metres and a minimum lot frontage of 11 metres. Special provisions include a minimum front yard setback of 3.0 metres and a minimum rear yard setback of 3.0 metres. 

● Residential R1 Special Provision (R1-3(*)): Similar to the previous zoning, this allows for single detached dwellings but with a smaller minimum lot frontage of 10 metres. Special provisions include a minimum front yard setback of 3.0 metres and a minimum rear yard setback of 3.0 metres. 

● Residential R1 Special Provision (R1-4(28)): This zoning permits single detached dwellings on larger lots with a minimum area of 360 square metres and a minimum lot frontage of 12 metres. 

● Residential R4 Special Provision (R4-3(*)): This zoning allows for street townhouse dwellings on lots with a minimum area of 200 square metres per unit. Special provisions include reduced setbacks to local and arterial roads and a maximum lot coverage of 55 percent. 

● Residential R5/R6 Special Provision (R5-6(8)/R6-5(31)): This zoning permits various forms of cluster housing, including townhouses and stacked townhouses, with specific density and height restrictions. 

● Residential R5/R6/R8 Special Provision (R5-5( )/R6-5( )/R8-3( )): This zoning allows for a mix of housing types, including apartment buildings and senior citizen apartment buildings, with density and height restrictions and special provisions for setbacks. 

The proposed development also requires an Official Plan amendment, requesting a shift in land use designation from Low-Density Residential to Multi-family Medium Density Residential and the addition of a special policy to permit low-rise apartment buildings. 

A comprehensive public consultation process is anticipated to gather feedback and address community concerns. 

As the project progresses, rigorous evaluation and adherence to regulatory requirements will be paramount to ensuring the development aligns with the city’s long-term vision for sustainable growth and livability. 

With its comprehensive approach to community planning and development, Sifton Properties’ proposal represents a significant step towards meeting the evolving housing needs of London residents while preserving the area’s natural heritage.

More details on this proposed development will be released as the project progresses through the planning stages. 

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