WATERLOO — Activa, a leading developer, has unveiled plans for an ambitious mixed-use development at 400 Millennium Boulevard in Waterloo’s northeastern region.
This proposed project aims to rejuvenate the area adjacent to the municipal boundary with the Township of Woolwich.
Situated with frontage on Millennium Blvd and Country Squire Road, the site is near the RIM Park/Manulife Sportsplex, which hosts various recreational facilities, including a public library.
The subject lands are within the Urban Area and the ‘Designated Greenfield Area.’ However, amendments to the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law are required before proceeding.
Currently zoned as Business Employment (E1-27), Activa proposes re-designating the lands for low-density residential and mixed-use medium-density residential purposes, alongside commercial and open space designations.
The envisioned development will offer diverse housing types, including single detached buildings, townhouse buildings, and mixed-use medium-density residential buildings.
Complementing these will be commercial spaces, a public park, and a stormwater management pond, enriching the area’s livability.
The project will unfold in four stages:
● Stage 1: Predominantly situated at the north extent of the plan area, Stage 1 will feature single detached dwelling units, street townhouse units, multiple residential units, and essential infrastructure. Approximately 147-183 units are proposed for this phase.
● Stage 2: Located at the south extent of the Draft Plan along Millennium Boulevard, Stage 2 comprises multiple residential blocks, a commercial block, a park block, reserve blocks, and additional infrastructure. Approximately 198-204 units are planned for this stage.
● Stage 3: Positioned at the northwest extent of the Draft Plan, Stage 3 will showcase street-fronting and cluster townhouses, with an estimated 26 to 35 units.
● Stage 4: Found at the east extent of the Draft Plan, Stage 4 encompasses a multiple residential block and reserve block, totalling 208 proposed units.
The development prioritizes walkability and active transportation, per the 15-minute neighbourhood policies.
Proposed zoning amendments aim to accommodate the project’s objectives, including rezoning to zones such as Convenience Commercial (C3-20), Residential Mixed-Use (RMU-20), Residential Seven (R7), Residential Five (R5), Parks and Recreation (OS1), and Conservation (OS3).
For instance, proposed site-specific provisions include:
● Deleting townhouse buildings as a permitted use in the RMU-20 zone.
● Allowing a maximum of 24 townhouses on block 17 for Stage 2 in the RMU-20 zone.
● In the R7 zone, reducing minimum lot areas for interior lots to 155 sq. m. and corner lots to 345 sq. m.
● Reducing the minimum side yard setback to 1.2 metres, where 1.8 metres is currently required in the R7 zone.
● Increasing the maximum building height to 12.0 metres (3 storeys), where 10 metres is allowed in the R7 zone.
● Increasing the maximum deck height to 4.0 metres above grade, where 3 metres is allowed in the R7 zone.
● Increasing maximum lot coverage for freehold townhouses to 55%, where 40% is currently permitted in the R7 zone.
● Allowing a private garage up to 60% of the front building façade length for freehold townhouses in the R7 zone.
● Allowing a one-storey unenclosed porch to encroach into the flanking yard by a maximum of 0.6 metres in the R7 zone.
● In the R5 zone, increasing the maximum building height to 12.0 metres (3 storeys), where 9.5 metres is allowed.
● Increasing the maximum deck height to 4.0 metres above grade, where 3 metres is allowed in the R5 zone.
● Allowing a one-storey unenclosed porch to encroach into the flanking yard by a maximum of 0.6 metres in the R5 zone.
As Activa progresses through the review process with City planners, other agencies, and City Council, the community remains a priority to ensure the project aligns with the vision for sustainable urban development in Waterloo.
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The RIM park Activia development to build 600 homes, various types of dwellings, needs controls and limits placed on it. The area is not only a refuge and home to families but to various wildlife. This area has magnificent walking trails, currently protected around this community.
The building heights need to be capped at the current height along with the 18 metro separation from each home townhouse etc. Most importantly, QUALITY OF LIFE for those who currently reside here and call it HOME and for any future home owners, is the number priority when Activia place a shovel on this land. It’s NOT my concern that Avtivia makes a profit. It is my concern that I live in a community that makes me feel comfortable and permits me to enjoy nature. Please don’t turn this community into a desert of housrs, townhouses, apartments making it feel like a desert!!
The current concern as well is hundreds of people making a great effort to support the VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS at RIM Park Recreation Centre and not sufficient parking spots. Grandparents coming to see their grandchildren participate, but having to walk blocks to get into RIM PARK.
is anyone at City Hall, Region of Waterloo or Activia thinking or considering the citizens’ well being ? When the land, which is agricultural and can grow crops to feed us, is being planted with cement, rebar and glass, rather than seeds to grow our food, it’s only a matter of time before we won’t need housing. We need to build with land surrounding the communities where we can grow our families and have community gardens. Loads to consider and to think about. My father use to say: ” you can send them to school, but you can’t teach them to think”!
FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. I HAVE AN INTERESTING AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONCERN re funding, grants, etc being provided to build affordable Apts, and how potential tenants ( whose incomes are very limited) are being expected to pay additional mandatory fees for extra amenities!! Like meal plans, pools, etc.