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Planning committee moves forward townhouse development on Queen Street in London

Conceptual rendering of the proposed development at 553 and 557 Upper Queen Street, London. Image Source: City of London Website

Just the Facts: 

Melchers Developments Inc. has submitted a proposal for the redevelopment of the properties located at 553 and 557 Upper Queen Street for a two-storey, 28-unit cluster townhouse development with 62 parking spaces on a 0.6 hectare site.

Melchers Developments Inc. requested a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from “Residential 1 (R1-9) Zone,” to a special “Residential 5 (R5-5(_)) Zone” to permit the requested development with special provisions. 

●The planning committee approved the development on August 13, 2024. 

LONDON — Melchers Developments Inc. has submitted a proposal for the redevelopment of the properties located at 553 and 557 Upper Queen Street.

The proposal, which received approval from the planning committee on August 13, 2024, involves the construction of a two-storey, 28-unit cluster townhouse development. 

The development is planned for a 0.6-hectare site at the intersection of Upper Queen Street and Chiddington Avenue. It will consist of six two-storey buildings, each housing multiple townhouse units. 

The buildings will cover an area of approximately 6,141 square metres, with a frontage of 63 metres on Upper Queen Street and a depth of 92 metres. 

Each townhouse unit will include a private driveway and garage, providing two parking spaces per unit. In total, the development will offer 62 parking spaces, which include 56 spaces for residents and six visitor spaces, one of which is accessible. 

The site will also feature both private and communal amenity spaces, with 40% of the area designated for landscaped open space. The site is also located at the intersection of two “Neighbourhood Connectors.”  

To proceed with the redevelopment, Melchers Developments Inc. requested a Zoning By-law Amendment to change the zoning from “Residential 1 (R1-9) Zone,” which permits single-detached dwellings, to a special “Residential 5 (R5-5(_)) Zone” to accommodate the proposed townhouse units. 

The amendment includes several site-specific provisions, such as reducing the minimum required front yard depth from 6.0 metres to 4.0 metres and the rear yard depth from 6.0 metres to 3.2 metres. 

The landscape open space requirement has also been adjusted from 45% to 40%. The design of the proposed townhouse development is intended to align with the surrounding residential area. 

Each unit will have direct access from an internal drive aisle, with individual entrances and rear decks. 

The planning committee’s approval is based on the proposal’s consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020, which encourages land use patterns that provide opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. 

The proposal also aligns with The London Plan’s Neighbourhoods Place Type and City Building Policies. 

The amendment supports the development of a site within the Primary Transit Area and Built-Area Boundary, making it suitable for infill development. 

The proposed by-law amendment is scheduled to be introduced at the Municipal Council meeting on August 27, 2024. 

The planning committee has requested that the Site Plan Approval Authority consider specific design matters, including the re-orientation of Units 9 and 10 to ensure a minimum driveway length of 6.0 metres and the completion of pedestrian connections throughout the site.

To read more articles on this specific development, click here.

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