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Development Proposal for 10-Units Beside Guelph Railway Seeks Relief From Requested Amendments

Image Source: City of Guelph Website

GUELPH — A development proposal for 14 Stevenson Street North requests zoning and Official Plan amendments to permit a 10-unit multi-residential building, which is set to go before Council on November 21, 2023. 

The subject lands sit between Grove Street and the elevated Metrolinx railway, with an existing two-and-a-half storey single detached dwelling with a detached garage. The site is approximately 0.123 hectares in area. 

Surrounding the site are residential land uses, but the property is also close to several amenities. A few examples of amenities within 800m are a market, convenience store, parks/play facilities, and many other commercial uses. 

HB Developments is the project developer who proposed demolishing the existing house.

 The proposal suggests a 2-storey building that would be 11.45m tall. Unit sizes for the development indicate a mixture of 1-3 bedrooms per unit. Two units will be 1-bedroom, seven will be 2-bedroom, and one will be 3-bedroom. 

Approximately a 5-minute drive (1.7km) away from the property is the Guelph Central Station on Carden Street. The Grange Bus Route (14) is close to the site, with several stops on Elizabeth Street, approximately 200m from the subject lands. 

Thirteen parking spaces are proposed at the surface level for the building. Two spaces are to be dedicated to visitors, one barrier-free space, and ten spaces for residents. 

A parking rate of 0.75 bicycle spaces is a requirement for each dwelling unit, and HB Developments provides that exact amount for the development. 

Currently, the property is designated as low-density residential land use. The requested Official Plan amendment is requesting to re-designate the lands to be medium-density residential land use. 

The proposed land use would permit 100 units per hectare, which fits the development proposal of 90 units per hectare. 

In the 1995 Zoning By-law, the subject property is zoned ‘single detached residential’ (R.1B) and ‘low density residential 1’ (RL.1) zone new Comprehensive Zoning By-law (2023)-20790, as stated in the sta report for the November 21, 2023 council meeting. 

A zoning amendment to amend the existing zone (R.1B) to be a ‘specialized residential apartment’ zone and amend the current (RL.1) to be a ‘specialized residential medium density 6’ zone. The change in zoning would permit a multiple attached residential building. 

Also, HB Developments requests special regulations for the development of reduced yard areas, buer strips, open space, parking, and private amenity areas. 

A few examples of the special regulations are described below. 

A parking reduction of 3.0m from the lot line but within the front yard is proposed, but the city requires the parking area to be located in the property’s interior side yard or rear yard. 

The special regulations for the 1995 zoning by-law are requesting to permit ‘multiple attached dwelling’ instead of the current allowance of a single-detached dwelling unit. 

The reduced yard areas would permit setbacks for the side and rear yards of the property for the 1995 and 2023 zoning by-laws. 

HB Developments requests to reduce the side yard to 2.0m and the rear yard to 3.0m for the 1995 and 2023 zoning from the minimum requirement of 3.0m and 4.5m. 

Additionally, the special regulations request to “permit parking to be located ahead of the front wall of the building,” as stated in the staff presentation for the meeting; this regulation is also for the 1995 and 2023 zoning by-laws. 

In the 2023 zoning by-law alone, the specialized regulations request to reduce the buer strips to 2.0m and reduce private amenity areas to less than the requirement of 10 square metres. 

Also, since the subject property is beside the elevated Metrolinx railway, setbacks from the proposed building are required to permit a barrier wall.

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