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Developer appeals to Ontario Land Tribunal over Kitchener redevelopment

Image rendering of the proposed 13-storey mixed-use development at 93-99 Benton Street and 39-43 St. George Street. Image Source: City of Kitchener Website

KITCHENER — The Schneider Creek/Cedar Hill neighbourhoods in
Kitchener may see a significant redevelopment pending approval from
the City. 

The proposed development site spans 93-99 Benton Street and 39-43 St.
George Street and is owned by Ideal Capital, a real estate development
firm headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario. 

The proposed redevelopment entails a 13-storey mixed-use building
comprising 77 one-bedroom and 22 two-bedroom residential units and
approximately 578 square feet of commercial space. 

Ideal Capital seeks to raise the floor space ratio to 5.0, doubling the
permitted amount under the current zoning of commercial-residential
two (CR-2). 

Situated within a Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) of downtown
Kitchener, the properties offer convenient access to public transit,
including the nearby ION stop and bus routes and recreational
amenities such as Victoria Park. 

Ideal Capital’s application requests several variances, including
reductions in required parking spaces and setbacks. 

Specifically, they seek to eliminate the minimum exterior side yard
setback, reduce the front yard setback to 1.5 metres, and decrease the
rear yard setback to 7.5 metres. 

Additionally, they aim to reduce the parking requirement to 0.5 spaces
per dwelling unit, supplementing this with 94 bicycle spots. 

The developer has appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal, emphasizing
the importance of this decision. 

A case management conference video
hearing is scheduled for June 5, 2024, marking a critical moment in the
project’s future. 

The development application was initially scheduled to be discussed at
a council meeting on January 22, 2024. 

However, with the appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal, the project’s fate
remains uncertain, awaiting the outcome of the upcoming hearing.

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