LONDON — On November 5, 2024, the City Council approved a Zoning By-law Amendment for the properties at 566, 568, 572, and 578 Colborne Street, submitted by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. on behalf of Victor Anastasiadis.
The development is set to intensify these properties by adding two-storey and three-storey stacked townhouse buildings as extensions to the existing structures at 572 and 578 Colborne Street.
The development plan involves consolidating the subject lands into a single parcel and introducing additional residential units to the site, which is approximately 2,011 square metres and located on the east side of Colborne Street, between Central Avenue and Waverly Place.
With a frontage of approximately 45 metres along Colborne Street, the site currently includes four buildings.
The buildings at 572 and 578 Colborne Street, situated at the northern end of the property, currently operate as lodging houses, each with nine bedrooms.
These will be converted into three-unit dwellings as part of the approved project.
The two buildings at the southern end of the site, located at 566 and 568 Colborne Street, are attached duplexes, each containing two units.
These duplexes will remain as they are, with a shared parking area at the rear of the property accessible to all units.
The project includes constructing two stacked townhouse buildings.
The extension to the lodging house at 578 Colborne Street will add nine units. In comparison, the extension at 572 Colborne Street will add five units, resulting in a total of 18 residential units.
To support the additional units, the existing rear parking area will be expanded to provide a total of nine parking spaces, including one accessible space.
The site plan includes 170 square metres of outdoor amenity spaces located at the northeast corner of the site and behind the southern duplex buildings, along with landscape buffers. These buffers will include tree plantings and privacy fencing.
Previously zoned as “Residential 3 (R3-2)” and “Residential 11 (R11)” under the City of London Zoning By-law Z.-1, the site required a rezoning to facilitate the new stacked townhouse development.
The amendment reclassifies the subject lands to a holding
Residential R5 (h-18*R5-7(_)) Zone which permits the stacked townhouses.
Additionally, the amendment includes special provisions to recognize the existing non-conforming setbacks, increase the maximum permissible density to 80 units per hectare, and allow additional uses, including converted dwellings and two-unit, semi-detached dwellings.
The approved amendment aligns with the city’s broader objectives to increase residential density and diversify housing options within established neighbourhoods, contributing to the intensification goals for the Colborne Street area.
To read more articles on this specific development, click here.
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