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Cambridge council approves amendments to increase Main Street development to16 storeys

Conceptual rendering of the approved development at 1045 and 1085 Main Street, Cambridge. Image Source: City of Cambridge Website

CAMBRIDGE — On September 3, 2024, Cambridge City Council approved a staff report for the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for 1045 and 1085 Main Street, allowing the development to move forward with significant modifications. 

These changes included the approval of an additional two storeys, increasing the height of the apartment building from the originally proposed 14 storeys to 16 storeys. 

Council adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 85, which revised the site-specific policy to permit a maximum Floor Space Index (FSI) of 2.7. 

The amendment increased the building height from 14 to 16 storeys and raised the maximum density from 150 to 220 units per hectare, resulting in a total of 191 residential units. 

This adjustment allows for an additional 59 units beyond the previously approved 132-unit proposal. 

Located on Block 8 of the Upper Greengate subdivision, the 0.88-hectare site is part of a larger development known as “Greengate Village.” 

The development is situated along Main Street, east of Franklin Boulevard, and was initially approved by council in July 2023 for a 14-storey apartment building. 

Although the building will be rental, it will not include affordable units, but the developer has committed to contributing $500 per unit to the Affordable Housing Contribution Fund. 

The proposed amendments align with provincial, regional, and city policies, including the Provincial Policy Statement and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. 

City staff determined that the two-storey height increase and additional density were minor changes with minimal impact on the surrounding area and subdivision. 

The modifications were considered appropriate and consistent with the character of the neighbourhood. Council also approved a minor modification to the draft plan of subdivision to reflect the proposed changes. 

The subject lands remain zoned as High-Density Residential, and the revised plan will now go to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo for final approval. 

This development contributes to the City of Cambridge’s broader goal of accommodating population growth within its planning horizon to 2051. 

With limited available residential land and increasing housing costs, the project offers much-needed additional housing stock. 

The council’s decision underscores the importance of addressing housing demand while ensuring the proposed building fits within the planned subdivision and local infrastructure.

To read more articles on this specific development, click here.

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