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A development proposal offering 168 new residential units seeks approval from council

Image Source: City of Waterloo Website

WATERLOO — In the Northdale neighbourhood, DCB Development Canada Inc. proposes developing 168 apartment units at 83-85 Hickory Street West and 265-267 Hemlock Street West.

Previously, the developer requested 168 units with 203 bedrooms, equal  to 652 bedrooms per hectare, but has since decreased the number of bedrooms per unit. The proposal is for a 6-storey building with 186 bedrooms, which are expected to range in size.

The subject lands consist of four parcels. The total lot area of all four parcels is approximately 3,115 square metres.

The existing land use for the property is ‘four single detached dwellings,’ as there are four existing dwelling units on the four parcels of land.

These four houses would be demolished to allow the development project to occur.

Also, the property is designated as “low density residential” in the Official Plan.

In Zoning By-law 2018-050, the subject lands are zoned “(Holding) Residential Northdale Six” ((H)RN-6). The holding provision ensures several criteria are met and verified, and the zoning permits a maximum of 6-storeys in height and multi-residential buildings.

DCB Development Canada has requested zoning and Official Plan amendments for the development.

A few examples of zoning requests include but are not limited to an increase in density, a reduction of the landscape open space, and allowing for a yard setback.

The density request proposes to increase the permitted 250 bedrooms per hectare to 597 bedrooms per hectare. As stated in the staff report, the landscape open space request is proposed to be reduced from 30% to 23%. Also, the setback includes reducing the minimum required rear yard property line from 7.5m to 3.0m.

The amendment of the Official Plan includes creating a new, specific provision area (SPA), which would permit an increase in density of up to 597 bedrooms per hectare.

Parking spaces for the development are proposed to be 57 underground structured parking spaces, three of which will be barrier-free. Of the parking spaces, 46 will be for residents and 11 for visitors.

The developer plans to include 70 bicycle spaces as well, 41 of which will be indoor secure spaces and 16 outdoor spaces.

The number of bicycle and parking spaces conforms to the RN-6 zone. The bicycle space count exceeds the city requirement, which supports active transportation.

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