CAMBRIDGE — A developer proposing approximately 1,204 new residential units at 895 Riverbank Drive is seeking approval for a zoning by-law amendment and the draft subdivision plan.
The developer for the project is Madison Riverbank Holdings Limited. The subject lands are currently zoned agricultural (A1) and rural residential (RR1).
The site is approximately 52.43 acres and is known as the ‘Madison Lands.’ The subject property is currently designated ‘prime agricultural’ within the Cambridge Official Plan.
A zoning amendment is required to amend the ‘Zoning By-Law No. 150-85’ to rezone the lands into the new zoning designations, which are modernized development standards the city is creating to provide updated zones (e.g., R6, RM1, RM3, RM4, OS1, and N1).
Implementing these zoning designations from the North Cambridge Secondary Plan and site-specific provisions would permit the development proposal.
Examples of land use designations proposed for the site are ‘Low/Medium Density Residential,’ ‘Mixed Use Node,’ ‘Natural Open Space System’ and ‘Recreation, Cemetery and Open Space’ as per “Draft Schedule A – Land Use” as stated in the Statutory Public Meeting Committee Agenda for November 21, 2023.
A draft subdivision plan has been submitted, which requests 26 blocks of mixed residential condos, 400 single detached dwellings, and blocks for an elementary school, parks, and open spaces.
The elementary school blocks would be provided on approximately 2.4 hectares of area.
Approximately 2.62 hectares of parkland are also proposed, and approximately 4.98 hectares of open space area are proposed throughout the plan.
The development has been proposed to be completed throughout six phases, beginning with the single detached dwellings and concluding with the condos.
The condos are proposed in the form of mixed townhouses. The towns include a mix of back-to-back, live-work, rear-lane, and street townhouses.
An off-site stormwater management site would be provided to facilitate the subdivision.
A neighbourhood meeting was held on September 27, 2023. Also, a public meeting was held on November 21, 2023.
These are the only two public meetings regarding the development so far.
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