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570 Frederick Street minor variance application to return to the committee of adjustments meeting in Kitchener

Conceptual rendering of the proposed site plan for the development at 570 Frederick Street, Kitchener. Image Source: City of Kitchener Website

KITCHENER — The Minor Variance Application for 570 Frederick Street was initially discussed at the August 20, 2024, meeting and subsequently deferred to allow for further discussions between the applicant’s agents and staff regarding the proposed parking layout and changes to the conditionally approved site plan.

Following these discussions, the applicant submitted a revised plan, which reduced the floor area of the main floor medical office from 196 to 171 square metres. 

This reduction allowed the addition of two parking spaces, bringing the total parking spaces to ten. 

As a result, the variance initially requested for the medical office was no longer required since the reduced floor area now only necessitates nine parking spaces. 

The revisions also led to one leftover parking space being allocated for residential use. 

This change amended the original parking variance for the residential units to reflect a parking rate of 0.25 spaces per dwelling unit instead of the previous request for zero parking spaces. 

Additionally, the parking aisle width was increased to improve on-site circulation and maneuverability, allowing vehicles to back up and exit the site more easily. 

Staff supported these changes as they eliminated the need for a parking variance for the medical office and reduced the variance for the residential component. 

The report highlights broad-based policy support for a reduced parking rate at this location, particularly since the medical office operates on weekdays, allowing residents and visitors to use the parking lot on evenings and weekends. 

The application requested relief from sections of the Zoning By-law 2019-051: 

● A setback of 0.2 metres for the parking lot from a side lot line instead of the required 1.5 metres. 

● Parking spaces are located 1.5 metres from the street line instead of the required 4.5 metres. 

● A parking requirement of one space (0.25 spaces per unit) for the residential building with four dwelling units instead of the required four spaces (0.9 spaces per unit). 

● A right-side yard setback of 1.2 metres instead of the required 4 metres. 

● A minimum ground floor building height of 3.6 metres for the street-facing façade instead of the required 4.5 metres.

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