GUELPH — The City of Guelph’s Committee of Adjustment deferred an application for severance and minor variances at 39 Armstrong Avenue during its December 12, 2024 meeting, following recommendations from planning and engineering staff. The proposal, submitted by John-David Sherman, Victoria Sherman, and the Frederick Sherman Estate, seeks to create a new residential lot while retaining the existing single-detached dwelling.
Proposal Details
The application, represented by Colin Vanderwoerd of Van Harten Surveying Inc., includes:
- File B-51/24: Consent to sever the property.
- Files A-92/24 and A-93/24: Minor variances for both the severed and retained parcels.
Lot Dimensions:
- Severed Parcel:
- Lot area: 245 square metres.
- Frontage: 10.12 metres.
- Retained Parcel:
- Lot area: 420 square metres.
- Frontage: 17.3 metres.
Requested Variances
The application includes:
- Reductions in lot area, front yard, and side yard setbacks for the severed parcel.
- Adjustments to garage and driveway dimensions.
- Variances for the retained parcel to address non-conforming front and rear yard setbacks, preserving the original farmhouse.
Staff Recommendations
City staff recommended deferring the application due to concerns about municipal servicing:
- Water Infrastructure: Engineering staff questioned the adequacy of the 38-mm municipal watermain to service the severed parcel.
- Additional Details: Engineering requested further information to address potential infrastructure constraints.
Despite these concerns, planning staff noted that the proposal aligns with the Official Plan’s objectives for gentle intensification in Low-Density Residential areas and is compatible with the neighborhood’s character.
Committee Decision
The Committee of Adjustment accepted the staff’s recommendation, deferring the application to allow the applicants to:
- Address servicing concerns.
- Provide additional details to ensure compliance with municipal infrastructure requirements.
The Committee will revisit the application once these issues have been resolved.
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