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Proposed 10-Unit Stacked Townhouse Development at 325 Southdale Road East, London

Conceptual rendering of the proposed development at 325 Southdale Road East, London. Image Source: City of London Website

LONDON — The planning committee has advanced an application by Sandhyaji Homes Inc., represented by Zelinka Priamo Ltd., to redevelop 325 Southdale Road East. The proposal includes amending the Zoning By-law to permit a 3.5-storey stacked townhouse development with 10 residential units on a 0.19-hectare site in the North Longwoods Neighbourhood.

Development Details

The proposed project includes:

  • Density: A maximum of 50 units per hectare.
  • Amenity Space: A landscaped rear-yard area of 380 square metres.
  • Pedestrian Pathways: Linking the building to Southdale Road East.
  • Parking: 11 spaces, including one accessible and one visitor space.

The site is designated Medium Density Residential under the Southwest Area Secondary Plan, supporting compact urban growth and transit-friendly development.

Zoning Amendments and Recommendations

The application requests rezoning from Residential R3 (R3-3) to Holding Residential R5 Special Provision (h*R5-6(_)). Key recommendations from city staff include:

  1. Front Yard Setback:
    • Reduce to 10.0 metres minimum and 12.0 metres maximum (instead of the applicant’s requested 1.6 metres).
  2. Lot Frontage:
    • Allow 22.4 metres (existing condition), reduced from the required 30.0 metres.
  3. Side Yard Setback:
    • Permit a west interior side yard setback of 5.0 metres, reduced from the required 5.6 metres.
  4. Parking Provisions:
    • Prohibit parking in the front yard to preserve the pedestrian-oriented streetscape.

Privacy, Landscaping, and Garbage Storage

Staff recommendations also include measures to:

  • Preserve Privacy: Implement landscaping and screening to protect adjacent properties.
  • Enhance Streetscape: Prohibit garbage storage along Southdale Road East.
  • Confirm Servicing: Apply a holding provision to ensure adequate infrastructure is available before construction.

Compatibility with Policy Goals

The proposal aligns with policies in The London Plan and the Southwest Area Secondary Plan, supporting transit-friendly, medium-density residential development while maintaining compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood.

Next Steps

The proposed development will proceed to the Municipal Council for final consideration on December 17, 2024.

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